As I was running out of my apartment yesterday, I realised in my own little way I had inadvertently been incorporating the Making a Difference way of thinking for several months now on a personal level.
As my living expenses seem to be sky rocketing and wages sadly not keeping in line with the hikes, I have been looking at ways to save on the old 'back pocket'. The bill which has sky rocketed has been my electricity bill. Which, to be honest...really peeved me! I now turn off all my appliances at the wall and leave nothing on standby, even at night. It's been amazing, having saved on average $30 per month! This was just a fairly normal usage of electricity with a TV, phone charger, hair dryer, stereo, kettle etc... you get the drift.
It has become a habit now with me turning everything off at the wall when finished and double checking when I leave the apartment. For the extra couple of seconds it takes me to do this I'm not only saving in a monetary way, I'm also saving the planet by not using unnecessary resources.
This really has been wonderful and I urge you all to take just a few seconds and join me on may even be able to celebrate incorporating this MaD idea by having a few cheeky drinks at the end of the week with the money saved!! I say "Cheers all round!"